Monday, April 9, 2012

emergency transfer

Well this was a very unexpected turn of events. I am now in Stone Mountain due to an elder going home for medical reasons. So glad to be back in the Chamblee branch!!
Gifts from Elder's Klus' friend
Bulldog fever must be contagious
They all have too much fun
 I got a call from president while we were at "city wings" with the L family. I was not really ready for what I was told. I knew this Elder was going home but assumed that it would not effect me as much as it did. President told us that we would be leaving our area for the rest of the transfer. That I had to go to Stone Mountain because there is a lot going on here (3 baptisms and a marriage coming up) and that the elder who went home, his compaion finishes his mission on the 18th. His name is Elder Stockman he is my new Comp. I knew him before we get along great no worries here. So I had all of friday to get the area ready to be white washed if needed (two new elders going in) had to pack everything and talk to the Bishops and other leaders to inform them  what will happen. It was really nice though I got some good compliments from the Bishops. He told me I had been carrying the ward and that he was sad to see me leave and some other way nice things. Its nice knowing you left area better than when you go there. That's really my main goal when I go to a new area is to leave it better than I found it.
 Friday we narrated parts in "the Broken Bread" an Easter Cantana. The choir sang and we quoted scripture about the easter story. The AP's came up and spent the night. We left pretty early Saturday morning to head down to drop me off in my new area.
The week had been going pretty good. We had a couple really good lessons with investigators and less actives. Had our first English class that I'd been working on since I got here and we were not even able to go cause it was on Saturday. It was a really good week and then it got even better! I love the people there in Cartersville but the area is really rough on you. I had served in the Chamblee branch before and was so excited to go back.
 Saturday started out with meeting J y E and their two kids. J and E are going to be married and then baptized really soon. They were just waiting for the Gospel when elder stockman found them. They are so great! We then went to a Branch Activity which was, well what else do hispanics and bbq carne asada! I tried slipping in unnoticed I wanted to act like I had never left but I didn't tell anyone I was coming. I guess its impossible for a six three blonde guy to not be noticed in a spanish branch cause the second I got out of the car people started saying my name "elder principe" I was surprised at how many people remembered me. I have been gone 4 months. The soccer was so fun and the carne was sooooo good it was a great way to start off my new area.
 Easter Sunday was just not the same without being home and having little kids wake me up to get eggs and an Easter basket. The Branch is doing really well I was very surprised at the amount of people that were there and how good everyone has been doing. We taught a sister named C from Dominican Republic who is here visiting and working for awhile she does something with beauty pagents or something of that nature and has been going to church and wants to go to be baptized here because this is where she found the church. She goes back to the DR the same day as Stockman goes home. Presidente Garcia told us that we needed to teach her and baptize her this week. We had not planned on doing that, we thought it best for her to go back and then be taught and join there, but we were asked by out priesthood leader so we said fine its on your hands then we'll teach her. So we taught all 4 lessons including all commandments in 2 and a half hours. Wow! that was insane don't think I ever want to do that again. The Spirit was so so strong though and she has a spiritual conversion thats for sure she believes in the book of mormon in fact she said she likes it more because it talks of the same things but is more simple and clear for her than the Bible is. After that we went over to N for dinner where the other elders, A, j and E were waiting so we could eat. WOW WAS IT SPICY haha we had carnitas en salsa verde it was super good though just really hot I had not had spicy food like that since i left chamblee 4 months ago. Its been a good turn of events for me I love it here, I already know the branch very well and I'm so excited to be here.
hope easter went great for all of you and everyone is doing well.
Love Elder Charlesworth